Joe Louis crosses the street


It is basic knowledge that sidewalks allow pedestrians to safely move across city streets and that traffic lights provide a reliable system for motorists and pedestrians to coexist in an urban landscape. Hanoi defies these tenets and refuses the fundamentals of urban planning.

The city has pavements that resemble sidewalks, but they are impassable. If they were meant to be walked on it is hard to tell because they are primarily used as motorbike parking lots. City streets more closely resemble rivers of speeding motorcycles with blaring horns sounding from all directions. Surviving the onrush of traffic is at first daunting, but with a few short attempts becomes second nature. You just have to take that initial leap of faith.

Hanoi, Vietnam


Be predictable
Motorists will adjust their paths for you so long as they can anticipate your movement. Make eye contact with oncoming drivers if possible. Walk at a consistent pace to establish your path.

Move forward
This isn’t frogger. Backpedaling will cause confusion and is therefore dangerous. Also don’t freeze with hesitation. Be confident. It’s only crossing a street; you’ve done it since you were five.

Can’t hurt. There are no atheists in foxholes or in oncoming traffic.

Vietnam street

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