Joe Louis chooses a door

“Wheel of Fortune is a interactive installation & divination tool featuring the 22 Major Arcana cards of the tarot and Inspired by a circle of women.

Explore the circumference of this curious structure whose walls are made entirely of portals.The 26ft diameter circle of 22 doors have their own unique character & message.

Each door bears a unique life-sized image with a likeness of a figure etched from centuries of vision and myth. A glow from within the circle’s nucleus dances through the cracks… music and laughter beckon you from within. These wonders intrigue a weary traveler, whose silk road journey has thus far been an elusive quest for meaning… until now. Enter into the warming void of light.

Raised high above is a flaming hearth held by a wondrous sculpture of exquisite metallurgical craftsmanship and detail. Deep sienna-orange hues dance to beautiful sounds that reveal uniquely feminine shadows on the 22 doors that face the fire.”
Wheel of Fortune

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