Joe Louis becomes a millionaire


In the modern world money is as incorporeal as ever. Whereas plastic was once the future, it is now the present and possibly already the past. People pay with credit cards for all sorts of items large or small, avoiding bulky, jangling change. Owe your friend money? Venmo her the sum. In a rush at the checkout counter? Swipe your watch with Apple Pay.

Although we each try to boost the number on our bank statement, which is the bottom line of a person’s financial worth, even that can seem like an abstract concept. The feeling of cash in hand though is a powerful one. A credit card with a $10,000 limit provides plenty of purchasing power, but a $10,000 bill (with James Madison on the face) burning a hole in your pocket – that will add a swagger to your step.

Unfortunately many of us don’t get the opportunity to walk around with a million bucks. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel like it. For the mere price of about $80, you can quickly become a millionaire (bank fees may apply). This isn’t a scam folks, it is simply the magic of the Indonesian ATM. And if you order now, we’ll throw in a free wallet (MSRP $2 from local street market).

Want to be a millionaire? Just visit a currency exchange rate friendly country and feel like a star!


See what other blogs are saying about the Indonesian Rupiah:

“A common mistake newcomers make is getting the 100,000 and 10,000 rupiah notes mixed up. Both notes have a lot of zeros, but one is worth 10 times more.”

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